On Friday we reviewed what we need to know in order to start chapter 6 on Monday. We went over terms and definitions of words which was a helpful hand for people who completely forgot what any of those terms meant.We briefly went over the real numbers classification system, which looks like the rings of a tree. It has natural numbers in the centre, whole numbers around that, integers around that, real numbers on the outside, then rational and irrational number
s in the very outside. We also reviewed applying number concepts, number classifications, working with linear equations ans linear inequalities, rearranging equations, rearranging inequalities, verifying solutions to equations, solving systems of linear equalities on a Cartesian coordinate plane. The Cartesian plane's quadrants go counter-clockwise with the 1st quadrant in the upper right hand corner.
This was a good review for the upcoming chapter 6, so hopefully everyone got a good weekend because today is crack down time!
Next up: Whoever Mr. Banow picks from that list of names that I completely forgot who's on! Yaaay.
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