Monday, 7 November 2011

5.1 Exploring Data

On Friday we started a new unit called Statistical Reasoning. This is about collecting data from a set of numbers or statistics. We learned new terms like: outliers, range, mean, median, and mode and how to draw a line plot. Alex did a pretty good job of summarizing those in the last post which makes it unnecessary for me.

Today we were supposed to hand in our diagnostic tests which the majority of people didn't do, so remember to hand those in asap. We then worked on a sheet given to us on section 5.1 Exploring Data, and we had to find the mean, median, mode and range for the life of a car battery. We discussed the results and found that based on our data neither brand x nor brand y were a better choice, but it depended on whether or not the consumer was willing to take a risk on purchasing a battery that could either last longer or shorter than the average time. We learned one new term which was dispersion.
Dispersion is a measure that varies by the spread among the data in a set; dispersion has a value of zero if all the data in a set is identical, and it increases in value as the data becomes more spread out.
After that we were assigned Pg. 212 #2 and 3.
The next person to write the blog will be Brydon. :)

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